Craft Cocktails Spicy Margarita 200ml
A fiery twist on a Craft Cocktails favourite, our Spicy Margarita is made from a mix of Don Julio Blanco Tequila, Chipotle, Blood Orange, Hibiscus and Lime, this is a spooky spiced version of a classic Margarita. Best served over ice with a fresh chilli garnish.
Ingredients: Don Julio Blanco Tequila, Blood Orange, Hibiscus, Lime, Chipotle
700ml | Serves 7 | 16% ABV
A drink inspired by popular Picante cocktail, so hot right now in Dublin.
Just chill, shake, pop and pour.
Craft Cocktails are an award winning range of colourful bottled cocktails, made in Dublin 7 using 100% natural ingredients, premium spirits and some serious bartender know how.